Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Emperor and Everlee-isms

Market shopping again this morning, and E actually stayed in a stroller the entire time!  In this 95 degree heat, it was a treat for Brent to not carry her.  He wandered off and did who knows what, but that doesn't matter... He got away.

Everlee, Beck and Mommy got our 'shop' on.  Bought some silk dresses for her and T-shirts for the boys that say big brother in Chinese.  Beck picked out a traditional silk two-piece outfit and called it his emperor clothes.  He's been asking to buy an outfit since we landed almost two weeks ago.  He was BEAMING when he tried it on.  He wants to wear it out, to school, to church.  He's named every place you can think of.  I love his excitement and how he doesn't care if it's dorky or not.  He is who he is.  And he is proud of his travels.  Just wait, he'll pair it with his wide-brimmed, straw rice hat!


Also managed to get almost all of our gift shopping done for the loving, patient, awesome people who have helped with Penn-a-licious.  I miss that kid!!!  I can't wait to wrap my arms around him!!!

Nothing more to report, really.

Since this is a short entry, I'll tell you some Everlee-isms:

1.  She sucks her right thumb and turns her hand sideways so the rest of her fingers brush against her left cheek.  She only sucks her thumb when she's tired.  When I put her in her crib, she then takes her left hand and puts it under her shirt.  Every time.

2.  Because she stuffs a hand under her shirt, she has woken up twice like this:

She must have tried to get her arm back out but straightened it through the head hole, rather than pulling it back out from the waist.

3.  When she drinks her formula bottle just before bed at night, she sucks and twists the bottle at the same time.  The bottle the orphanage gave us has handles on it, so she turns the handles and switches hands to keep it twisting/moving. All the while, she drinks the milk.  Impressive.

4.  She likes to configure her pointer and middle fingers into and oval shape.  If you look back through photos, you will notice this.  I'm guessing it started out of boredom.  As a baby, she probably spent hours upon hours in her crib killing time.  Maybe it's become a sort of stem.  Either way, it's her thing.

5.  She loves group hugs.  She imitates the "awwww" sound when it happens.  When B is carrying her, she'll reach out for me to come in for the hug.  Sometimes, she'll reach out to include Beck too.     

6.  She likes to put caps on bottles.  By herself.  

7.  And have I mentioned... Daddy-ism!!!!!  Obsession.  


1 comment:

  1. I can totally see G wanting an "emperor" outfit too if we every travel to China. Loved the Everlee-isms... Looks like you are getting to know her little quirks, those things that make each child individually precious!
