Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Eyes of Time

Sometimes, when tucking them into bed, I think, gosh, I haven't seen you guys all day.  I'm with them, but I'm not always present.  The source of my absence is a combination of busy motherhood: chores, making meals, picking up, keeping up with them, taxiing, homework, reading, and sadly, the use of technology on my end.  I don't think I'm an over-user compared to others, but I shouldn't be comparing.  I should be the best me I can be.  It is easy to check Facebook, Google a topic, send a message, browse Etsy, read the front page of CNN... and get sucked in for ten minutes at a time. But that can happen once an hour.  Truly.  Nothing on there is so important that I be checking my phone that often. Why do we live with it constantly next to us?  So, I am going to take a step back.  They grow up too fast.

I vow to look my children in their eyes more, since I teach them to do the same.  To be up to speed on their current events, rather than the world's.  To answer them as promptly as I do my texts.  To put my social media family on hold, instead of asking my own family to hold on another minute.  Because, at the end of the day, I want to feel like I have seen them.  I have heard them.  That I have given them as much of myself as my "patience tank" allowed. Not so much for their benefit, but for mine.  Then, I can retreat to adult time with visions of their sweet eyes looking back at mine, no matter how hard the day was.

A sentimental me will plop down on the couch after bedtimes, chat with my helpful husband, and...
open my laptop.


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