Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lulu's big potatoes

Another nickname.  This one she responds to as if it is her name: Lulu.  Another Brent creation and sometimes, he shortens it to Lu.  She likes it.  She points to herself when he says it and flashes that toothy smile.

Speaking of her identity, she says her own name now.  As of about a month ago, if you ask her "Who are you, " she says "Eh-ah-EE."  Three syllables and close enough.  She is not regularly saying any more words than the last post I made, but she certainly makes more attempts.  Yesterday, she formed her first sentence unprompted.  We went swimming with friends because it is already 90+ degrees down here.  I hate heat.  The perk is that we are swimming outside in May!  When it came time to go, I motioned for Beck and Penn to get out of the pool.  Penn came right away.  Beck kept swimming a few more minutes.  Once the littles dried off and dressed, I went back over to the edge solo and hollered for him again, "Beck!  Get out of the pool. We are ready to leave."  Everlee pranced over a moment later as I turned my back and loudly demanded, "Baaa (Beck) Go!"

E has made other strides these past couple months:
- drinks out of a regular cup
- loves to read (Remember when she wouldn't sit for more than 3 seconds!?!)
- is starting to tell me when she needs to potty (She was taught to hold it until you take her.)
- keeps her clothes on when she goes potty (Used to strip down just to sit on it.  That process was long.)
- lays her head on my shoulder unprompted (Would not the first few months... then only when I asked her and counted to 10... progressed to every time I sang to her... now, just a few times, but on her own when she's been tired or just because.)
- graduated to the big kid swing
- pedals/rides a tricycle

I am sure there are more that I'm forgetting.  They may seem small potatoes, but these are mini victories in development and bonding.

This past weekend, we took an overnight trip to Great Wolf Lodge with friends.  The biggest change I've seen in her is she's slowing down.  She is still busy busy, as everyone who knows her says, but the manic behavior that I have felt at a loss over is beginning to level out.  GWL could have been a nightmare if the manic had come out.  For some reason, it didn't.  And I was grateful.  She didn't appear overwhelmed at the crowd or experience.  There was not the sensory overload I was anticipating.  She blended in.  She had a blast.  And that meant, we all had a blast.

Oh, and she's whining in English!  Now, that's a milestone!

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