She wore a dress Aunt Kris gave to her just before they left for California. We even managed to put the yellow sandals on her. (She only fought us a little bit.) As soon as we returned to the hotel, first order of business, she sat down and ripped them off.
This child is so pleasant. We joke she is our easiest child yet. She eats what we give her, doesn't fight bedtime, and is very compliant. She is potty trained, the Chinese way, where they hold it until you take them and say the command that tells them to go. I put her in a diaper through the night and it was dry in the morning. She held her bladder for 11 hours! And our worries for her diet were unwarranted. She consumes any type of food, any texture, and can chew despite the gaping hole on the roof of her mouth.
Daddy's Dumpling has a new nickname too! She is our little Drool Monkey! The orphanage says she is teething, but Brent says it is from her cleft. He's not sure she has full muscular control of her upper lip. I think we will be investing in bibs when we return! Maybe I can find the mounting collection we had from Penn's constant puking...
Her personality is coming out more too. She is outgoing, playful, easygoing, and busy. She likes when we are silly. When we tickle her, she intentionally collapses and turns her body into jelly. Though she can be dainty, she likes to rough house just as much as our boys! She is perfect as God made her and we love Miss Everlee!
Pure sweetness. LOVE the picture of the two of you laughing.